When you send a Meeting Scheduler Link to your recipient, they will only see your current availability and it will be shown in their time-zone. It will also only show scheduling options based off of the working hours you selected in your Meeting Scheduler Settings.
If you send your "My Calendar Link," your recipient will see all of the Custom Meeting Types you've created, allowing them to choose the meeting type that best suits their needs.
After the recipient makes that selection, they can then choose what date and time they would like to connect with you, based on the parameters you laid out when you created those meeting types.
They will then confirm the date and time selected, enter their name, and email, and click "Schedule."
Thereafter, they will receive a confirmation that the meeting has been booked as well as a calendar invitation.
If you send a link to a Custom Meeting Type, it will simply direct them to the calendar to choose a date and time for the custom meeting, following the aforementioned steps.