We choose a single Contact or Lead and optionally a single Account or Opportunity.
First, we pick who to associate the email with:
We will sync the email with the first email address in the recipient list that has an associated Salesforce record, Contact or Lead.
If there are duplicate Contacts/Leads in Salesforce with that email address:
- Prefer Leads over Contacts (Please note, certain Yesware customizations can alter this behavior)
- Prefer Contacts with Open Opportunities over Contacts with no Open Opportunity
- Prefer Contacts/Leads with the most recent activity, including updates, if all other things are equal
Once we’ve selected who to associate with, then we pick what to associate with:
- Prefer to associate with an Open Opportunity for the selected Contact, provided that the Contact is assigned as a Contact Role
- If not, associate with an Account for the selected Contact