What is the Yesware Contact Timeline
Our Contact Timeline allows you to see all activity with a particular contact right in your Yesware sidebar. With the Contact Timeline you will see a list of messages sent, replies received, and meetings booked aggregated by the email recipient. The timeline lives within the Yesware sidebar in Outlook under the Tracking tab. The timeline is in order of activity date, you'll see a list of emails sent and replies received. If a meeting is booked, it'll show the meeting date and the activity will be listed under the date it was booked.
What information is shown in the Contact Timeline
Currently, we show untracked emails sent, tracked emails sent, replies received, and meetings booked in the Contact Timeline.
Why am I seeing no activity for a Contact?
We will not show activity for your first inbound email from a recipient. We also will not show activity for internal emails with colleagues.
What happens if there are multiple recipients on an email?
If there are multiple recipients on an email, we'll show activity for the first external email on the thread. You'll see the email address for the recipient at the top of the Contact Timeline.