Run through the following steps in order to refresh your Google Calendar Sync with Yesware:
1. Navigate to your Salesforce Preference page with the App Site (HERE) and Disable the "Calendar Sync" option:
2. Refresh your Gmail.
3. Open your Google Calendar in a separate tab/window (rather than just the sidebar).
4. In the upper right-hand corner, select "Yesware" > "Deactivate."
5. Navigate to your Salesforce Preference page with the App Site (HERE) and Enable the "Calendar Sync" option.
6. Refresh your Gmail
7. Open your Gcal in a separate tab/window (rather than just the sidebar). In the upper right-hand corner, select "Yesware" > "Activate."
This should fully enable your Google Calendar to sync with Salesforce.
Please reach out to Yesware Support if you run into any issues with this process.